19th March 2024 - ⚠️ IMPORTANT INFORMATION ⚠️
Over the last 15 months, the number of patients contacting us to request urgent same-day GP advice or assessment has increased by at least 37.5%.
However, there is no additional workforce or funding available to support this increase in demand. Therefore, along with many other GP practices in the rest of NHS Lothian, we will now be implementing a new approved approach to manage our appointment system more safely and sustainably, for both staff and patients.
From now on, if demand has breached our available capacity for safe working for the day, we will deploy this new message on our phone:
"The practice is under significant pressure due to demand for appointments. This demand has now outstripped our safe working levels. If you require urgent attention, please hold and your details will be taken by one of our admin team. Our on-call doctor will triage all urgent requests. They will manage as many cases as they can in order of clinical need. However, it may be that they cannot attend to your needs today. If you have not heard back from the practice by 6pm and you feel you cannot wait until tomorrow, then please look at the symptom guides at [www.nhsinform.scot]www.nhsinform.scot or call 111 for advice."

New videos updated in - Services - Mental Health. Please view these videos to get an understanding of how the Mental Health Services run in Midlothian and what to expect.
Spring Covid Booster 2024
NHS Scotland recommends you have the spring vaccine this year if you:
- are aged 75 years and over on 30 June 2024 (i.e. born on or before 30 June 1949)
- live in a care home for older adults
If you’re eligible for the spring vaccine, you’ll be contacted by letter. If you previously chose to be contacted digitally, you’ll receive a text or email instead. For more information, please visit Spring boosters 2024 – COVID-19 (nhslothian.scot)
Please click on this link to view your local clinics. Vaccination Clinics – COVID-19 (nhslothian.scot)
Enquiries phone numbers
National Enquiries Line: 0800 030 8013
Local Enquiries Line: 0300 790 6296
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If you would like to be kept up to date with health and social care information in your local area please follow the HSCP on facebook.
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